As we always hear, employees are an organisation’s most important asset. The ongoing pandemic causing many individuals to feel uncertain, under pressure and low, means that taking care of your employees has never been more important. Their mood, mental state, and well-being have a direct impact on employee productivity, employee turnover, team engagement, and even… Read More
There is little that is more important to the success of your business than employee engagement. It is vital that employees are fully engaged and committed to their organisation’s vision and mission. Yet, our team pulse survey results indicate that there are at least a couple of disengaged employees in most teams. After surveying… Read More
Across the globe, employees have been facing challenging times during 2020. The circumstances have been stressful for most of them as they were hit by the deadly Covid19-pandemic unexpectedly. This virus abruptly forced us to adapt to new ways of working and cope with sudden new work arrangements in no time, whether we are in quarantine,… Read More